Recipe (serves 2)
2 cups of milk of choice (ratio: 1 cup whole cow's
milk + 1 cup water)
2-4 Tablespoons of cacao powder
1 Tablespoon of maple syrup
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon ginger
grated nutmeg for garnish
Heat cow's milk (+ water) until boiling, whisk in cacao powder and maple syrup and simmer on low for 5 minutes. Take off heat and whisk in spices, divide into mugs, grate nutmeg on top.
* If you do not drink cow's milk try: coconut, hemp, or almond (do not boil, just steam)
Grounding Practices for cold weather:
Establish daily routines
Create set mealtimes
Don’t let your head or ears get cold
Wear a hat
Try not to rush